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Thursday, 01 May 2008
Simon's First Kiss!
Love him or hate him, Simon Cowell has made a living with his brutely honest critiques. However, last night on Idol, it was his lips that were generating the buzz. During the show's Q&A session, a caller identified herself as Simon's "First Kiss". People reports that the caller in question is Tara McDonald-Smith, who is a single mother of three teenage boys. She reportedly kissed Simon when he was 9 years old when both were living in Hertfordshire, England. Simon seemed pleasantly surprised, and was the butt of jokes on this morning's "On Air with Ryan Seacrest." Will Simon meet up with his first kiss? Has this reveal softened the public's perception of Simon? Maybe for the former, but probably not for the latter :)
Posted by Lance Yuen at 12:44 PM | Permalink
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