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Monday, 15 October 2007
Free Web Seminar
Understanding Mobile Media:
Untapped Opportunities and Hidden Challenges
One Hour - Thursday, October 18, 2007 – 9 a.m. (PT) / Noon (ET)
Driven by a society that wants instant gratification, 24-hour access and portability above all else, consumers have forever changed entertainment.
As the term mass media threatens to become obsolete, the time has come to engage and start a one-on-one dialog through the only medium that is always on, and never leaves consumer's side - the mobile phone. The audience for mobile exceeds broadcast TV, the web, and cable in sheer numbers and functionality. There are currently 2.3 billion mobile phones in the world, with which the average person spends 10-15 hours per day. On top of that the mobile channel offers the most personalized user experience yet, with rich media, personalization and interactive capabilities available anytime, anywhere.
But it's complicated - dozens of mobile operators and network configurations; hundreds of devices with a variety of media formats; and numerous channels of distribution with different business models. Overcoming these hurdles is tough.
In this hour, Nellymoser and INmobile.org will show you how to successfully overcome the hurdles of going mobile and staying there, by focusing on the following:
- Getting the Lay of the Mobile Land - Where to start and what you need to know
- Selecting your content and delivering it to your target market
- Ensuring a compelling experience for the most handsets
Presented by:
John Puterbaugh
Founder and Chief Strategist
Adam Zawel
Chief Collaborating Officer
Posted by helenag at 10:05 AM in Events | Permalink
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