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Tuesday, 19 June 2007
Don't Mess With The Mouse
Starring on one of TV's hottest series is an actor's dream, and Isaiah Washington fought hard to keep his role as Dr. Preston Burke on "Grey's Anatomy." But after twice using an anti-gay slur, Washington was doomed to lose the biggest role of his career because of timing, a track record of volatile behavior and pressure within the industry.
While series creator and executive producer Shonda Rhimes wept when she got on the phone last Thursday to tell Washington he was out, the decision was a coolly calculated move by Rhimes' bosses at the network and ABC Television Studios. His "pattern of behavior" represented a potential liability that was too much risk for the Walt Disney Co.-owned companies, a source close to the production said. The source was not authorized to comment publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity.
Read more about the drama that just refuses to go away, here
Posted by Rajan Kalra at 04:20 PM in Television | Permalink
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